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Summer closure

The International Office will be closed from  19 July (4 p.m) until 19 August 2024.
The building 'La Passerelle' will be closed to the public on July 19.
We look forward to seeing you on 20 August 2024.
Until then, we wish you a wonderful Summer!


Learning agreement :

Erasmus+ students can send their learning agreement to our email address or directly to the international desk of the host faculty in question ("international coordinators at each faculty" section).


We remind you that finding accommodation in Angers is very difficult at the start of the academic year. We advise you to make sure you have adequate accommodation in place when you arrive.

To help you in your search, we recommend visiting the housing information page on the 'Welcome to UA' website, where you can find housing options or access the Studapart housing platform.

Certificate of Departure

If you are an Erasmus+ student and have a certificate of departure that needs to be signed, please send us a message to  We thank you in advance for providing your end-of-study date (including exam end date) with your certificate.
