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University of Angers
Postal Address:
40, rue de Rennes - BP 73532
49035 - ANGERS cedex 01
Tel. +33 (0)2 41 96 23 23
President: Ms. Françoise Grolleau
Director General: Mr. Olivier Laigneau
International Contacts
The International Office is a dedicated staff team of 28, ready to help with all international projects.
The International Office works closely with the international coordinators and administrators at each faculty and provides support services to all international audiences (international partners, international students and researchers).
Vice president of International Affairs and Equality : Catherine PASSIRANI
Director of the International Office: Françoise HOCQUET
E-mail : relations.internationales @ univ-angers.fr
Tel. : +33(0)
International office for incoming international students and researchers
International Welcome Office
Incoming international students and researchers (Belle Beille campus)
Postal Address:
Le Bureau des Internationaux
La Passerelle
2 rue Lakanal
49000 AngersExchange students: echange.international @ univ-angers.fr
Non-exchange students: bienvenue @ contact.univ-angers.fr
Researchers and EurAxess helpdesk: chercheursetrangers @ contact.univ-angers.fr
Buddy System: buddysystem @ univ-angers.frInternational office for outgoing students
Outgoing students
Postal Address
Direction de l'International
Saint Serge Campus
40, rue de Rennes - BP 73532
49035 - ANGERS cedex 01International office for agreements
Erasmus+ agreements
Email: erasmuspartnership@univ-angers.fr
Bilateral agreements
Email: relations.internationales @ univ-angers.fr
ISEP and BCI programmes
Email: etudes.international @ univ-angers.fr
Special ISEP advisor: Virginie Picquet
Email: virginie.picquet @ univ-angers.frEuropean project helpdesk of UA: Cap Europe
Email : cap-europe @ univ-angers.fr
French language centre for foreigners (CeLFE)
Postal Address:
Le Bureau des Internationaux (CeLFE)
La Passerelle
2 rue Lakanal
49000 AngersEmail: celfe @ univ-angers.fr
Summer schools
International coordinators at each faculty
Faculty of Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences
Academic coordinator
Ms Emmanuelle ROUSSEAU-GADET emmanuelle.gadet @ univ-angers.fr
International administration
Ms Nathalie PRIEUR international.llsh @ univ-angers.fr
Ms Aurore DORTET international.llsh @ univ-angers.frFaculty of Law, Economics and Business Studies
Academic coordinators
Ms Catherine DEFFAINS-CRAPSKY (economy, business) catherine.deffains-crapsky @ univ-angers.fr
Ms Solène RINGLER (law) solene.ringler @ univ-angers.fr
International administration
Ms Lélia GOUT ri-deg @ univ-angers.fr
Ms Virginie BARROCHE ri-deg @ univ-angers.frIAE University School of Management
Academic coordinators
Ms. Anne DECOURCELLE anne.decourcelle @ univ-angers.fr
International Administration
Ms Pauline SAUVAITRE ri.iae @ contact.univ-angers.frFaculty of Science
Academic coordinator
M Jérémy LOTHIER jeremy.lothier @ univ-angers.fr
International administration
Ms Marie-Paule TUDEAU ri.sciences @ contact.univ-angers.frFaculty of Health
Academic coordinators
Ms Audrey ROUSSEAU (Medicine) audrey.rousseau @ univ-angers.fr
Ms Charline MIOT (Medicine) charline.miot @ univ-angers.fr
Mr Jean-Jacques HELESBEUX (Pharmacy) jean-jacques.helesbeux @ univ-angers.fr
Mr Laurent POIROUX (School of nursing) laurent.poiroux @ univ-angers.frInternational administration
Ms Mathilde FRADIN (Medicine) ri.med @ contact.univ-angers.fr
Ms Géraldine TROUSSIER (Pharmacy) scolarite.pharma @ listes.univ-angers.fr
Ms Julia PIRONIN (School of nursing) julia.pironin@univ-angers.frEsthua National Institute of Tourism -INNTO France
Academic coordinator
Mr Jérôme PIRIOU jerome.piriou @ univ-angers.fr
International administration
Ms Berengère CLEMENT (Asia) international.esthua @ listes.univ-angers.fr
Ms Camille POUSSEUR-VIEL international.esthua @ listes.univ-angers.frPolytech Angers - Engineering School
Academic coordinator
Mr Nizar CHATTI international.polytech @ univ-angers.fr
International administration
Ms Karine DOLET international.polytech @ univ-angers.fr
M Rémi PERROT international.polytech @ univ-angers.fr
M Thomas PRENDINGER (Health Campus) international.polytech @ univ-angers.frIUT University Institute of Technology
Academic coordinator
Ms Karima THOMAS dir-ri-iut @ univ-angers.fr
International administration
Ms Pascale INGLES dir-ri-iut @ univ-angers.fr
Ms. Valérie RIOU dir-ri-iut @ univ-angers.fr