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Accessibility : not compliant

In accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005, the University of Angers is committed to making its websites accessible. To this end, it implements the strategy and actions outlined in the 2023-2025 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. Beyond the legal obligation, this plan is part of the University of Angers' inclusion policy, intersecting with its Equality mission, Quality of Work Life strategies, and its commitment to student success and the inclusion of specific audiences.

  • Digital accessibility plan 2023-2025

    The Board of Directors of the University of Angers voted on November 24, 2022 for the 2023-2025 digital accessibility plan:

    Download the Digital Accessibility Plan in Word format

    Download the Digital Accessibility Plan in PDF format

    Based on this multi-year digital accessibility plan, 3 annual plans have been drawn up:

    Download the 2023 annual plan in Word format

    Download the 2023 annual plan in PDF format

    Download the 2024 annual plan in Word format

    Download the 2024 annual plan in PDF format

  • RGAA Accessibility Declaration

    Compliance status:

    The website of the university of Angers is not compliant with the General Accessibility Improvement Framework for Administrations (RGAA) version 4.1, as no valid audit results are currently available to assess compliance with the criteria. Corrections to non-conformities are in progress, and this accessibility statement will be updated as soon as possible.

    Test resulsts:

    In the absence of a compliance audit, no test results are available.

    No compliance content:
    • No compliance: in the absence of an audit, all content is assumed to be non-accessible by default.
    • Exceptions due to disproportionate burden: without an audit, no exceptions have been established.
    • Content not subject to accessibility requirements : without an audit, no content has been identified as exempt from applicable legislation.
    • Technologies used for the development of "": without an audit, no specific technologies have been identified.
    • User agents, assistive technologies, and tools used to verify accessibility: without an audit, no user agents or assistive technologies have been used.
    • Web page testing was conducted using the following browser and screen reader combinations: without an audit, no browser or screen reader combinations have been tested.
    • The following tools were used for evaluation: without an audit, no tools were used for evaluation.
    • Pages of the website that have been audited for compliance: without an audit, no pages have been reviewed for compliance.
    • Retour d’information et contact : si vous n’arrivez pas à accéder à un contenu ou à un service, vous pouvez contacter l'Université d'Angers pour être orienté vers une alternative accessible ou obtenir le contenu sous une autre forme. Envoyer un message à accessibilite @
    Feedback and contact:

    If you are unable to access content or a service, you can contact the University of Angers for guidance on an accessible alternative or to receive the content in another format: accessibilite @

    Appeal procedures:

    Find out more about the legal obligations of the General Accessibility Improvement Framework (RGAA)

  • Review of the 2023 annual plan

    What was planned
    • Draft a Multi-Year Digital Accessibility Plan (SPAN).
    • Train all stakeholders.
    • Provide support tools to implement digital accessibility.
    • Redesign the intranet, integrating digital accessibility at every stage of the process.
    • Establish an Accessibility Collective.

    What has been achieved


    The implementation of the SPAN allowed us to comply with legal requirements and define a clear institutional policy on digital accessibility.


    Training and awareness were priorities in 2023 and will continue to be in 2024 and 2025. In 2023, we:

    • Trained one department (Communication Department), two central services (Lab’UA, Support Hub), two common services (Library, Scafop), and 20% of web developers.
    • Raised awareness among over 300 internal staff through information sessions, workshops, conferences, and a dedicated Moodle space.
    • Conducted interprofessional training and awareness initiatives (webinars, round tables) in collaboration with the universities of Bordeaux and La Réunion, as well as Anstia.


    We developed support tools to integrate digital accessibility into content production:

    • A memo with 10 best practices for digital accessibility.
    • Three guides on creating accessible documents using Word, PowerPoint, and LibreOffice.


    The intranet has been redesigned, incorporating digital accessibility at every stage of the process. The number of content contributors has been reduced and streamlined. In 2024, all stakeholders will be trained in producing accessible content.


    An "Accessibility Collective" has been established. This group includes students, administrative staff, and faculty members affected by disability at the University of Angers. Their work will help us improve our accessibility efforts and ensure a coherent approach across all initiatives.
