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Esthua National Institute of Tourism (INNTO France)
Since its opening, Esthua has been committed to a culture of mobility and openness, bringing a multicultural dimension to its training courses.
Its international development is reflected in various exchanges with a network of 133 partner universities and schools in 43 countries. The aim is to offer the best opportunities for academic and student mobility (Erasmus +, BCI, ISEP, bilateral agreements and double diplomas). The internationalisation of courses and confrontation with various business and cultural environments mean that students are well-prepared for the global labour market.
Amongst the faculties and institutes of the University of Angers, Esthua Tourism, Culture and Hospitality is the leading European centre for higher education in the tourism field. Esthua is a member of the French Training Courses of Excellence in Tourism and a partner of the RFI Angers TourismLab. RFI Angers TourismLab brings together a network of 150 partners (including 23 founding and associate members) and acts as a reference in Europe in terms of research, training and innovation in tourism.
The University of Angers has the highest graduation rate for 3-year bachelor's degree in France and Esthua has a high employability rate: 75% of our master's degree students get a job less than 6 months after graduation.
The National Institute of Tourism, known as Esthua was established in 1982. It offered innovative training programmes in tourism combining business and academic aspects, including a strong international dimension. Over the past 30 years we have reinforced these principles and created a unique centre in Europe gathering 3,500 students and over 60 teachers with expertise in the various fields of tourism and culture. Take control of your future career, join us!
Jean-René Morice
Dean of Esthua, National Institute of Tourism (INNTO France)
ESTHUA - National Institute of Tourism (INNTO France)
Université d'Angers
international.esthua @ univ-angers.fr
7, allée François Mitterrand
BP 40455 | 49004 ANGERS Cedex 01