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- >Cap Europe
CAP EuropeEuropean project helpdesk of the University of Angers
CAP Europe is a team of European project engineers and project assistants. Together, they offer a strong support to researchers willing to participate in the European research and higher education programmes, mainly Horizon Europe and Erasmus+.
CAP Europe missions have been gradually implemented since 2005 with support of “Pays de la Loire” regional council and the Ministry of higher education and research. These missions are:
- Monitoring European research and education calls for proposal and informing researchers through individual meetings as well as information sessions,
- Project detection, evaluation of proposal appropriateness with regard to the call and lobbying activities in collaboration with National Contact Points (NCP),
- Project engineering, including consortium moderation, partner search, proposal co-writing, treating financial and legal issues and many more,
- Assisting researchers in contractualization with the EC and in the implementation phase of funded projects,
- Setting up a regional observatory of the participation in the European programmes.
Between 2014 ans 2020, more than 220 proposals have been submitted and 42 projects have been funded in the fields of Health, NMBP, ICT, SSH, Bio-economy, etc. Funded projects cover a broad range of Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020 programs, such as Joint Master and Doctoral Degrees, Strategic Partnerships, ERC, MSCA Actions as well as societal challenges, COST, PHC, EraNet, JPI, etc.
> MSCA postdoctoral fellowship
Springboard toward Marie Sklodowska Curie
> Videos
Researchers' testimonies
> Funding and projects, education and training
> European research project
(Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, Life, COST, etc.)