- Index
- >Research
- >Laboratories
- >Materials sciences
Materials sciences department

2 research units

115 staff including 49 professors and researchers

37 PhD students
Research topics
- Development of molecular or supramolecular functional materials with specific electronic and/or optical properties
- Electrochemistry, reactivity, dynamics and surface structuring
- Molecular engineering of oligomers and polymers
- Inorganic chemistry, materials and interfaces
- Atomic and molecular spectroscopy, surface structuring and nonlinear optics
- Solitons and lasers
- Optical structuring of materials
- Thin films and doped glasses, photovoltaic applications
Research units
- Moltech-Anjou | Institute of Molecular Sciences and Technologies of Angers | University of Angers and CNRS
- Lphia | Angers Photonics Laboratory | University of Angers
Matrix Federative Research Structure (FRS)
Created in 2018, the Matrix Federative Research Structure coordinates the Materials department and brings together three research units around a common theme. It comprises four technical facilities on a single site and provides services to companies and research laboratories (molecular design, physico-chemical characterization, device development, etc.). Through the coordination of scientific activities and the pooling of all or part of the units’ resources (financial, human, material and leadership resources), the FRS makes it possible to optimize and increase the visibility of research.
4 technical facilities
- Astral: Molecular structural analysis
- Carma: Characterization of functional materials
- Cristal: Thermal and crystallography analysis
- Lasima: Lasers and imaging
The Matrix FRS is involved in the regional Research, Training, Innovation program called Lumomat (Light, Molecules, Matter).
International desk
Reception of foreign researchers
chercheursetrangers @ contact.univ-angers.fr
The LumoMat-E project (LUmière MOlécule MATériaux) aims to use the tools of chemistry to initiate unprecedented developments in the field of molecular materials for organic electronics and photonics.