- Index
- >Research
- >Laboratories
- >Mathematics and computer sciences
Mathematics and computer sciences

3 research units

115 professors and researchers

60 PhD students including 8 PhD students in companies
Research topics
- Signal, image and statistics of processes: analysis of medical data and diagnosis of pathologies, phenotyping of plants and plant architecture, construction of phylogenetic trees,...
- Optimization of complex systems: solving optimization and decision support problems in logistics and production systems (planning, scheduling, vehicle tours,...), optimization of control-command and quality control of products and industrial processes
- Big data, learning and artificial intelligence: artificial intelligence for processing large volumes of data, automatic processing of natural languages and information retrieval, semantic web,…
- Robotique: analysis of the singularity of manipulator robots, location/mapping of mobile robots, control of dynamic systems, sensors and image analysis algorithms,...
- 3D visualization, virtual and augmented reality: design and evaluation of 3D interaction techniques, development of virtual environments, simplification of digital models and data (big data),...
Research units
- Larema | Angers Laboratory for Mathematics Research | University of Angers and CNRS
- Laris | Angers Research Laboratory for Systems Engineering | University of Angers
- Leria | Angers Computer Science Study and Research Laboratory | University of Angers
MathStic Federative Research Structure (FRS)
Created in 2017, the MathStic FRS assists companies and economic actors for their digital transition by providing them with its skills and research infrastructures. The MathStic FRS is involved in regional networks of excellence:
- Labex Centre Henri Lebesgue, laboratory of excellence in mathematics
- Mathematical Research Federation of the Pays de Loire (FR 2962 du CNRS)
- Regional Research, Training, Innovation programs Atlanstic 2020 (digital sciences) and Wise (electronics)
- DéfiMaths, regional project for research, training, innovation and dissemination of scientific and technological culture
2 companies labellized «Jeune entreprise universitaire» (Young University Company)
- Heurisis: optimization and decision-making support
- A2Display: intelligent digital display
International desk
Reception of foreign researchers
chercheursetrangers @ contact.univ-angers.fr