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Key facts and figures
Academic World Rankings
In 2019, University of Angers joined the world Top 1000 of the Academic Ranking of World Universities (or Shanghai Ranking), and consolidated its position in the latest ARWU's 2020 edition.
UA's research activity also shines out in the ShanghaiRanking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) since 2019, particularly in the following areas:
- Clinical Medicine
- Agricultural Sciences
- Biological SciencesPharmacy
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Angers finally stands out in the CWTS Leiden Ranking 2020 and the CWUR 2020-2021 (World Top 700) rankings.
IUF Distinction (French Universitary Institute)
The mission of the IUF is to encourage the developement of high level research and reinforce interdisciplinarity in french Universities.
- 2020, Christine Bard and Philippe Blaudeau (TEMOS laboratory ), Senior distinction
- 2015, Aziz Ballouche (LETG laboratory), Senior disctinction
CNRS medals
Each year, the CNRS medals celebrate the researchers and officials for their outstanding contributions to the organisation’s vitality and reputation (http://www.cnrs.fr/en/node/1968).
- 2019 : Clément Cabanetos (Moltech Anjou), Bronze medal
- 2020 : Suzanna Zimerman (Larema), Bronze Medal
- 2010 : Jacquelin Charbonnel, Crystal Medal
International desk
Reception of foreign researchers
chercheursetrangers @ contact.univ-angers.fr