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- >Research
- >Research policy
- >Innovation

64 active patent families

4 startup companies resulting from lab activities

3 joint labs with private companies (« LabComs »)

200 contracts/year for an annual value of M€ 8
UA is developing a strong partnership policy with local stakeholders such as the hospital center (CHU), local authorities, other research and higher education institutions as well as private companies.
Thanks to its network of branch engineers and business managers, UA carries out a proactive action of detection and support to foster transfer of technology on the one hand, and to promote know-how from laboratories towards the socio-economic world on the other hand.
As a territorial research leader, UA also aims to strengthen the results visibility of its collaborators through the development of a genuine scientific culture program in partnership with dedicated associations such as Terre des Sciences.
Fil’innov is a French program co-funded by the Pays de la Loire district and the European Regional Development fund.
This project aims to support researchers and companies for the development of innovation.