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Disability and Studies
UA's Disability Support Centre is on hand to advise, assist and support students with disabilities (motor, sensory, mental or cognitive impairments, learning difficulties, chronic and/or disabling illnesses, etc.). The staff strive to provide the best possible response to the needs of all UA students and ensure their access to knowledge.
The role of the Disability Support Centre
UA's Disability Support Centre:
- Offers information and support to students with disabilities throughout their studies at UA,
- Assists students with disabilities in obtaining special study and exam arrangements,
- Works in collaboration with the university's various departments (coordinating the implementation and monitoring of special study and exam arrangements),
- Takes part in the university's cross-disciplinary projects (disability master plan, building accessibility, digital accessibility),
- Helps to raise awareness about disability and its specific features within the university community,
- Organises events throughout the year (Handiscussion evening, disability fortnight, etc.).
Le Relais handicap de l'UA :
- accueille, informe et accompagne les étudiant·es en situation de handicap tout au long de leur cursus à l'UA,
- accompagne les étudiant·es en situation de handicap dans l’obtention d'aménagements d’études et d’examens,
- travaille conjointement avec les différents services de l’université (il coordonne la mise en œuvre et assure le suivi des aménagements d’études et d’examens),
- participe aux projets transversaux de l’université (schéma directeur du handicap, accessibilité des bâtiments, accessibilité numérique),
- contribue à sensibiliser la communauté universitaire au handicap et à ses spécificités,
- propose des évènements tout au long de l’année (soirée Handiscutant, quinzaine du handicap…).
Preparing your arrival at UA
To ensure that conditions are suitable for your arrival, please contact the Disability Support Centre as soon as you have decided to join UA.
The sooner our team meets you, the more effective your orientation, integration and success will be.
You will receive support prior to your arrival:
- A student employee to help during the "Try me, adopt me" campaign
- Campus visits
- Meetings with the heads of the academic administration Office and the teaching staff
- Visit and select accommodation in a Crous student hall of residence (contact the disability advisor before the end of April for a start of studies in September).
- Contact the SUAPS university sports centre to discuss the possibility of adapting physical and sporting activities: patrice.prouchet @ univ-angers.fr
Accompagnement d'un étudiant salarié lors de l'opération "M’essayer c’est m’adopter"
- Visite des campus
- Rendez-vous avec les responsables de scolarité et pédagogique
- Visite et choix du logement Crous (prendre contact avec la référente handicap avant la fin avril pour une rentrée en septembre).
- Contact Suaps pour étude de l'aménagement des pratiques physiques et sportives : patrice.prouchet@univ-angers.fr
Suggested adjustments and adaptations
Depending on your situation and your studies, the Disability Support Centre can offer :
- Personal assistance: a course note-taker, a student tutor (to review course content and help you organise your university work), a guide to help you get around, an exam secretary, etc.
- Technical assistance: photocopy card, video support for lessons, video transcription, loan of equipment (computer for exams, portable scanner, digital recorder), etc.
- Adjustments and arrangements to the course curriculum: rearrangement of the weekly timetable, preference for group choice of tutorial courses, car park and lift access badges, etc.
- Special exam arrangements and adjustments: extra time, a special room, the use of an interface (antidote software, Braille display, etc.), an exam secretary, the possibility of transcribing subjects in Braille, etc.
Who is eligible?
All students with a disability, whether or not recognised by the French MDPH authorities.
Steps to take
1. Contact the Disability Support Centre to define your needs
2. Make an appointment with a doctor from the University Health ServiceThe Disability Support Centre recruits student employees
Note-takers, exam secretaries, teaching tutors, support staff: the Disability Support Centre recruits students throughout the academic year to help make certain arrangements for students with disabilities.
Each mission is paid according to the type of assignment.
Are you interested? Find out more about the job profiles (in French).
Disability Support Centre
Marlène Touzeau, disability advisor at UA,
Leslie Robert, administrator.
relais-handicap @ univ-angers.fr
Telephone: 02 41 22 64 20
Office hours : From Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (on appointment only)
La Passerelle, 2 rue Lakanal, Angers (Belle-Beille campus)