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Helpdesk for International Researchers

As part of the International Welcome Office, the Helpdesk for International Reseacher is dedicated to assisting foreign researchers that join the university. The University of Angers is the local contact point for the Euraxess network, a European programme intended to facilitate the mobility of international researchers.

The Helpdesk for International Researchers is designed to:

  • Welcome international researchers and to help them with the administrative formalities connected with moving to Angers
  • Provide advice and answer questions from international researchers as well as from the University's host units and research laboratories.
  • Act as an intermediary between international researchers, laboratories, faculties, central services and the University's institutional partners.
  • Follow up and coordinate the administrative paperwork for international researchers.

Help with your administrative formalities

Contact the Helpdesk for International Researchers: chercheursetrangers @

Help finding accommodation

Here are some leads to help you search for accommodation in Angers.


International Reseachers

Ms Charlotte BRETON

Telephone: 00 33 (0)

E-mail: chercheursetrangers @

Postal address
"La Passerelle"
Belle Beille Campus
2 rue Lakanal
49045 Angers Cedex 01
