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Mihaela GirtanPhysique - Laboratoire Lphia / Physique - Laboratoire Lphia
- Faculté des Sciences
- Départements d'Enseignement SCIENCES - DEP ENS SCIENCES Physique
Physique - Laboratoire Lphia - 2 Boulevard de Lavoisier - 49045 - ANGERS CEDEX 01
- Physique - Laboratoire Lphia
- Structure Fédérative de Recherche Matériaux : SFR MATRIX
- Structure Fédérative de Recherche Matériaux : SFR MATRIX - Laboratoire de Photonique d'Angers : Lphia
Physique - Laboratoire Lphia - Da208
- 2 Boulevard de Lavoisier - 49045 - ANGERS CEDEX 01
- Da208
- Courriel : mihaela.girtan @ univ-angers.fr
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Thèmes de recherche
The research interests of Mihaela Girtan cover several aspects of thin films, physical and chemical deposition methods, solar cell technology and optoelectronic devices, including charge transport in oxides and conducting polymers, electrical conductivity and photoconductivity measurements, organic and perovskite solar cells, transparent conducting thin films, structural, morphological, electrical and optical properties of thin films, plasmonics, transport phenomena in low dimensional structures, heat transfer phenomena and fluid dynamics numerical simulations for industrial CVD reactors, photonics and photovoltaic devices.
Employment and professional experience
Since 2005 - Associate Professor at Angers University, (HDR-2009)
Since 2006 - Head of the group “Thin films for photovoltaic applications”
2004-2005 - Temporally Attached Professor at ENSAM Engineering School, Angers
1995-2005 - Assistant Professor then Lecturer at “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi
Publications and dissemination
Author of more than 100 peer-reviewed publications in the materials and energy materias area since 2000 published in : Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Materials Today, Thin solid films, Applied Surface Science, Surface Coatings and Technology, Synthetic Metals etc.. (59 articles recorded in ISI Web Thomson data base) H=26, 2183 citations (dec. 2023), (among the Journals citing the author we mention: Journal of the Am. Chem. Soc., Energy and Environment Science, Chem. of Mat., Organic Electronics, Appl. Phys. Lett., Sol. Eng. & Sol. Cells etc). Individual impact factor calculated from ISI Web of Knowledge more than 20; individual influence global factor calculated from ISI Web of Knowledge: more than 50 (for the first 6 the most cited articles) author of two books chapter, more than 100 presentations in international conferences (35 invited).
Invited talks
2023 - Invited lecture, 2nd June 2023, EMRS , Strasbourg, France
2023 - Invited lecture, 26th Congress of SCTM 20-23 September 2023, Ohrid, Macedonia
2022 - Invited speaker TCM-TOEO, 16-21 October 2022, Hersonissos, Greece
2021 - Invited talk, 3rd June 2021, EMRS , Strasbourg, France (web)
2020 - Plenary lecture , Invited, Modtech Conference, 26 June 2020, Eforie Nord, Romania (web)
2020 - Invited talk, Institut Français, 27 November 2020, Skopje, Macedonia (web)
2018 - 20-th International Conference-School Advanced Materials and Technologies, August 27-31, 2018, Palanga, Lithuania
2018 - Invited seminar, Angstrom Laboratory, Uppsala University, Sweden
2018 - Invited seminar, 14 June 2018, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
2018 - Invited seminar, 11 June 2018, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
2018 - Invited seminar, 24 May 2018, INSA - Rennes, France
2018 - Invited lecture, Training School - Solutions for critical raw materials, CRM-Extreme, 6-8 February 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria
2017 - Invited lecture, ROCAM International Conference,11-14 July, Bucharest, Romania
2017 - Invited lecture, EMRS-fall Meeting International Conference,18-21 September Warsaw, Poland
2016 - Invited seminar, 16 December 2016, Vilnius University, Lithuania
2016 - Invited lecture, PAMS-2 International Conference, 8-14 Sept. 2016 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2015 - Invited lecture, Summer School on Materials for Energy Conversion, 6-11, July, 2015, Bucharest
2014 - Invited seminar (5 March 2014) Physics department, University College Dublin
2013 - Invited talk (12 July 2013) Department of Chemistry, University of Athens
2012 - Invited lecture, Advanced Workshop on Solar Energy Conversion, 21-23 May, 2012, Bucharest
2012 - Invited talk (29 October 2012), National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens
2010 - Invited lecture, ISAOP 28 Sept-2Oct. 2010, Tokyo, Japan
2010 - Invited seminar (30 July 2010) National Institute of Materials Physics, Bucharest
2010 - Invited seminar (17 June 2010) XLIM, Limoges, France
2010 - Invited seminar (24 April 2010) Institute Charles Sadron, France
2009 - Invited lecture, ISAOP 3-4 Sept, Shanon, Ireland
Projects & Grants
12 project proposals as PI and 5 as co-PI since 2003, on the total of these 17, 10 were funding; between these we would like to mention: Co-PI in ANR - OxTiMIBPhotobat. (2007-2009); Co-PI in the European Project FP6 – ORGAPVNET (2006-2009); PERLE 1 (2006-2009), PERLE 2 (2010-2013), Co-PI in the European Project ERA-RUS-NET (2012-2013), PI of one national project and of three PHC bilateral cooperation projects: PHC Brancusi (2015-2016), PHC Platon (2013-2014), PHC Brancusi (2009-2010).
Academic activities:
Advising and co-advising of: 3 post-doc, 10 PhD students, 5 students in Master II and 10 students in Master I
Member of: PhD defence commissions (5 PhD thesis),
Member of: scientific societies (ACS, EPS and EMRS)
Industrial Exploitation /Intellectual Property: Conception and realization of an equipment for thin films deposition by pyrosol, ENSAM, Angers (2005), commercialised by AnnealSys
Professional activities and honours: chair of ISAOP 2010, member of comities of some scientific national and international conferences (ISAOP Angers 2007, FTM Iasi 2002, PNC Iasi 2001)
Reviewer for scientific journals: Thin Solid Films, Materials Science and Engineering B, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Applied Surface Science, Journal of thermal Spray, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Journal of Materials Science, Applied Physics A, Materials Chemistry and Physics
Member of: the Board of the Faculty of Science - University of Angers
Member of : AUF commission expertise
Member of scientific networks: ORGAPVNET, NANORGASOL, ATLANSUN
Head of: the Professional Training “Energy demand management and renewable energy”
Head of: the Research group “Thin films for photovoltaic applications” - LPHIA,
Coordinator of: the ERASMUS Program FR-RO «Solar cells and plasma applications in surface science»
Selected papers:
14. M. Girtan, Materials 16(11), (2023) 3906 (IF* 3.4)
13. M. Girtan, Optical Materials, 125 (2022) 112068 (IF* 3.75)
12. M. Girtan, Solar Energy, 195, 1 (2020), pp. 446-453 (IF. 7.18)
11. M.Girtan, Future Solar Energy devices, Springer, Book (2018), 104 pages
10. M.Girtan, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 160 (2017) 430–434 (IF. 6.01)
9. J. Merigeon, M. Girtan et all, Optical Materials, 48, (2015) 243 (IF* 3.75)
8. M.Girtan, Materials Today 17, 3 (2014) 101 (IF 31.04)
7. M.Girtan, Organic Electronics, 14 (1), (2013) 200 (IF. 3.86)
6. M.Girtan, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 100 (2012) 153 (IF. 7.3)
5. M.Girtan, M.Rusu, Sol. Energy Mater. & Solar Cells, 94, 3 (2010) 446 (IF. 7.3)
4. M.Girtan et all, Thin Solid Films, 519 (2), (2010) 573 (IF 1.94)
3. M.Girtan et all, Applied Surface Science, 254, 13 (2008) 4179 (IF 6.04)
2. M.Girtan, Surface & Coatings Technology, 184 (2004) 219 (IF. 4.86)
1. M.Girtan, G. Folcher, Surface & Coatings Techn., 172 (2003) 240 (IF. 4.86)
*IF – Impact Factor from ISI Web of Knowledge