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Abdessamad KobiPolytech Belle-Beille - Responsable du Master 2 ISMP - Qualite - Surete Fonctionnement - LARIS | Equipe SFD

    • Polytech Angers
    • Départements d'Enseignement POLYTECH - Qualité Innovation Fiabilité POLYTECH
    • 62 Avenue Notre Dame du Lac - 49000 - ANGERS
    • E42
    • E42

    Afficher ISTIA sur une carte plus grande
    • Struc. Fédérative de Recherche Math. Scces technologies de l'informat° et communicat° : SFR MathSTIC
    • Struc. Fédérative de Recherche Math. Scces technologies de l'informat° et communicat° : SFR MathSTIC - Laboratoire Angevin de Recherche en Ingénierie des Systèmes : LARIS
      Polytech Belle-Beille - Responsable du Master 2 ISMP - Qualité - Sureté Fonctionnement - LARIS | Equipe SFD
    • E42
    • 62 Avenue Notre Dame du Lac - 49000 - ANGERS
    • Reponsable du Master International ISMP
    • E42


    Qualité et Sûreté de Fonctionnement

    Thèmes de recherche

    Sûreté de Fonctionnement

    Diagnostic/Réseau Bayesien

    Optimisation et Maîtrise des processus complexes

    Evaluation de performances


    • Books and chapters

    [O1]_     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. Chapitre “Monitoring of complex processes with bayesian networks” dans « Bayesian Network», ISBN 978-953-7619-X-X, 2010

    [O2]_     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. Chapitre “Détection de Fautes par Réseaux Bayésiens dans les Procédés Multivariés” dans « Diagnostic des systèmes complexes », Ed. D. Lefebvre, H. Chafouk, A. El Hami, M. Bennouna, ISBN 9954 - 8992 - 0 - 0, 2008

    [O3]_     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. Chapitre “ Fault detection with bayesian network” « Frontiers in Robotics, Automation and Control », ISBN 978-953-7619-17-6, 2008

    [O4]_     KOBI A, F. GUERIN, A. BARREAU, : La qualité : démarche, méthodes et outils. Chapitre 9 : La métrologie : test R&R, édition Hermes, PARIS, 2002.


    •  Revues


    ACL1 -         ALHURAISH I., ROBLEDO C., KOBI A. « The Key Success factors for Lean Manufacturing Versus Six Sigma». Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, In press,

    ACL2 -         AOUAG H., KOBI A., ATHMANE M. « Analysis of competitiveness level in an industrial company using a continuous improvement based approach ». International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage. In press.

    ACL3 -         ATOUI M. A., VERRON S., KOBI A. « Fault detection with Conditional Gaussian Network ». Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 45 p. 473 – 481, 2015.

    ACL4 -         COHEN A., TIPLICA T., KOBI A. « Design of experiments and statistical process control using wavelets analysis ». Control Engineering Practice. 2015.

    ACL5 -         ATOUI M. A., VERRON S., KOBI A. « A Bayesian network dealing with measurements and residuals for system monitoring ». Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control., 2015.

    ACL6 -         ROUGERON A., SCHULIAR G., LETO J., SITTERLÉ E., LANDRY D., BOUGNOUX M. - E., KOBI A., BOUCHARA J. - P., GIRAUD S. « Human-impacted areas of France are environmental reservoirs of the Pseudallescheria boydii/Scedosporium apiospermum species complex ». Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 17 n°4 p. 1039-1048, 2015.



    ACL7 -         I.V. HERGHILIGIU, M.L LUPU, C. ROBLEDO, A. KOBI., “Conceptual Research Model Regarding the Effects Resulted from the Implementation of Environmental Management System at Organization Level”, Advanced Materials Research, vol. 837, p.634-638, 2014.

    ACL8 -         HERGHILIGIU I., LUPU M. L., ROBLEDO C., KOBI A. « Research on factors that determine the quality of environmental management system implementation in the case of Romanian organizations ». Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 13 n°8 p. 1893-1900, 2014.

    ACL9 -         A. NDIAYE, C. M.F. KÉBÉ, A. CHARKI, P.A. NDIAYE, V. SAMBOU, A. KOBIDegradation evaluation of crystalline-silicon photovoltaic modules after a few operation years in a tropical environment » Solar Energy. vol. 103, p.70–77, 2014.


    ACL10 -     SR EL AZZOUZI, A KOBI, M BARREAU « Multi-Response Optimization For Industrial Processes » International Journal of Engineering, vol. 7, n° 3, p.82-91, 2013.

    ACL11 -     A. NDIAYE, A. CHARKI, A. KOBI, C.M.F. KEBE, P.A. NDIAYE, V. SAMBOUMBOU, « Degradations of silicon photovoltaic modules: A literature review” Solar Energy, Vol. 96, p.140-151, 2013.

    ACL12 -     R. ZOUHAIR, A. ROUGERON, B. RAZAFIMANDIMBY, A. KOBI, J.-P. BOUCHARA, G. GIRAUD,“Distribution of the different species of the Scedosporium apiospermum complex in French patients with cystic fibrosis”, Medical Mycology, vol. 51, n° 6, p. 603–613, 2013.

    ACL13 -     NDIAYE A., KÉBÉ C. M. F., NDIAYE P. A., CHARKI A., KOBI A., SAMBOU V. « A Novel Method for Investigating Photovoltaic Module Degradation ». Energy Procedia.. Vol. 36 p. 1222–1231, 2013.

    ACL14 -     I.V. HERGHILIGIU, M.L LUPU, C. ROBLEDO, A. KOBI., “A new conceptual framework for environmental decision at the organizational level based on fractal philosophy”, Environmental Engineering and Management, vol 12, n° 5, p. 1095-1102, 2013.

    ACL15 -     I.V. HERGHILIGIU, M.L LUPU, C. ROBLEDO, A. KOBI., “Conceptual Research Model of Factors that Influence Environmental Knowledge Management at Organizational Level” Applied Mechanics and Material, Vol 371, pp. 893-897, 2013.


    ACL16 -     A. BOUCHIBA, A. CHERKAOUI, A. KOBI, M. BARREAU, "Safety Analysis of a Railway Transport system by Bayesian Network : Rabat/Sale Tramway Case" Canadian Journal on Computing in Mathematics, Vol 3, N° 6, pp. 170-179, 2012.

    ACL17 -     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. Fault Diagnosis of Industrial Systems by Conditional Gaussian Network including a Distance Rejection Criterion., Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 23, N°7, pp. 1229-1235, 2010.

    ACL18 -     D. LEPADATU, A. KOBI, X. BAGUENARD, L. JAULIN, Springback of Stamping Process Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology and Interval Computation, Quality Technology & Quantitative Management Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 409-421, 2009.

    ACL19 -     AZZABI L. AYADI D. KOBI A. ROBLEDO C. CHABCHOUB, H. BOUJELBENE Y. « Six Sigma based multicriteria approach  to improve decision setting», Int. J. Quality Engineering and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 99-123, 2009.

    ACL20 -     T. TIPLICA, S. VERRON, A. KOBI – FDI in multivariate process with naïve Bayesian network in the space of discriminant factors – Quality Assurance n°57, 2009.

    ACL21 -     AZZABI L. AYADI D. KOBI A. ROBLEDO C. BOUJELBENE Y. «Application of Six Sigma and Promethee Multicriteria method To Select the  Product System» Quality Assurance , n° 58, 2009.

    ACL22 -     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. Fault detection and identification with a new feature selection based on mutual information. Journal of Process Control, vol : 18 n°5, 2008.

    ACL23 -     KOBI, P. KAHN, « De la fiabilité à la maîtrise des risques 30 ans d’histoire ». REE, et TIC, N° 8, 2008.

    ACL24 -     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA,  A. KOBI. Fault Detection in a Multivariate Process with a Bayesian Network. Quality Assurance, n 3, 2007.

    ACL25 -     H. CHRISTOFOL, A. DELAMARRE, R. LUPAN, A. KOBI, C. ROBLEDO "Product, Process and Organisation of Innovation Projects – Setting Up a Performance Evaluation System", Revue internationale d’ingénierie numérique  – CPI Integrated design and production, Vo.2 n° 1-2, 2006.

    ACL26 -     F. BABUS, A. KOBI, I. BACIVAROV « Le contrôle statistique des procédés technologiques et les lois de distributions non gaussiens. Etude de cas sur la loi de Rayleigh”, Quality Assurance, Janvier 2006

    ACL27 -     HAMBLI R., LEPADATU D., KOBI A., BARREAU A., “Ductile damage variation analysis during metal extrusion process using design of experiment”, International Journal Vehicle design, vol. 39, N° ½, pp. 51-61, 2005

    ACL28 -     LEPADATU D., KOBI A., HAMBLI R., BARREAU A., “Statistical Investigation of Die Wear in Metal Extrusion Process”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Technologies, pp. 1-7, 2005, Springer.

    ACL29 -     TIPLICA T., KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Spectral control chart”, Quality Engineering,  Vol.17, No.4, pp 695-702, 2005

    ACL30 -     LUPAN R., BACIVAROV I, KOBI A., ROBLEDO C.,. “A relationships between Six Sigma and ISO 9000:2000, Quality Engineering Vol.17, No.4, pp 719-725, 2005

    ACL31 -     LEPADATU D., HAMBLI R., KOBI A., BARREAU A., “Optimization of Springback in bending processes using FEM simulation and response surface method”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Technologies, Vol. 27, N° 1-2, pp. 40-47, 2005, Springer

    ACL32 -     HAMBLI R. KOBI A., ’’Prediction of optimum clearance in blanking processes using neural network simulation’’, International Journal of Materials & Product Technology, Vol 20, N° 1/2/3, pp. 150-165, 2004.

    ACL33 -     SCIBILIA B., KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Robust designs for quality improvement” . IIE Transactions, Vol. 35, N° 6, pp. 487-492, Taylor & Francis, 2003.

    ACL34 -     T. TIPLICA., KOBI A., BARREAU A., “Optimisation et maîtrise des processus multivariés –Méthode FNAD”. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, Vol. 37, N° 4, pp. 477-500, Hermes, 2003.

    ACL35 -     HAMBLI R.,POTIRON A., KOBI A., “Applicatioon of design of experiment technique for metal blanking processes optimization’’, Mécanique & Industries, Elsevier Vol.4, pp175-180, 2003

    ACL36 -     HAMBLI R., KOBI A., GUERIN F., DUMON B., ’’Relationships between blanking force and part geometry versus clearance, tool wear and sheet thickness’’, Quality Engineering Vol.15, No.2, pp197-207, 2003

    ACL37 -     SCIBILIA B., KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Minimal design augmentation schemes to resolve complex aliasing in industrial experiments”. Quality Engineering, Vol 14, N° 4, 2002

    ACL38 -     SCIBILIA B., KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Robust design : a simple alternative to Taguchi's parameter design approach”. Quality Engineering, Vol.13(14), p.541-548, 2001

    ACL39 -     SCIBILIA B., KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Plan complémentaires et plan imbriqués”. Revue Statistique Appliquée, XLIX (2), p.27-44, 2001.

    ACL40 -     SCIBILIA B., KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “A practical example of coating process improvement through designed experiments”. Journal of Coatings Technology, Vol.72, N° 905, pp. 73-79, June 2000.

    ACL41 -     KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Application des cartes de contrôle : carte moyenne-étendue et EWMA” , Asigurarea Calitati Vol IV, n° 12-13, p. 52-57, 1998.

    ACL42 -     BARREAU A., KOBI A., SCIBILIA B., CHASSAGNON R., “Optimisation d'un procédé de brasage à la vague”, Asigurarea Calitati  , Vol IV, n° 12-13, p. 58-62, 1998.

    ACL43 -     KOBI A., NOWAKOWSKI S., RAGOT J., “Fault Detection-Isolation and Control Reconfiguratio” Mathematics and Computer in Simulation, vol. 37, p.111-117, 1994.

    ACL44 -     OULADSINE M., KOBI A., RAGOT J., “Identification using Hammerstein model”, Journal on Automatic Control A, vol. 35, n° 2, pp. 9-16, 1994.


    • ·  International Conference :

    [CI1] _         ALHURAISH I., ROBLEDO C., KOBI A. « Evaluation of the Operational Performance in Implementing Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma». CIGI, Montreal, 2015

    [CI2] _         ALHURAISH I., ROBLEDO C., KOBI A. « The Effective of Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma Implementation». IEEE IESM Conference, Seville, 2015

    [CI3] _         CANO M, O’Neil E, KOBI A "Preliminary Insights into the Implementation of Lean Manufacturing in Higher Education (part one): A grounded theory approach” In : 18th International conference quality and service sciences (ICQSS). Palermo . 18th Toulon-Verona International Conference on “Excellence in Services”, 2015.

    [CI4] _         ATOUI M.A, VERRON S, KOBI A " Conditional Gaussian Network as PCA for fault detection purpose" 19th IFAC, World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control; Cape Town; Afrique du sud; 2014.

    [CI5] _         ROUGERON A., SCHULIAR G., LETO J., SITTERLÉ E., LANDRY D., BOUGNOUX M. - E., KOBI A., BOUCHARA J. - P., GIRAUD S. « Human-impacted areas of France are environmental reservoirs of the Pseudallescheria boydii/Scedosporium apiospermum species complex ». In : 3rd Meeting of the ECMM/ISHAM Working group Fungal respiratory infections in Cystic Fibrosis (Fri-CF), Angers, 2014

    [CI6] _         ATOUI M.A, VERRON S, KOBI A " A Bayesian framework using PCA for fault detection purpose" 11th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation; Taichung; Taiwan; 2014.

    [CI7] _         ALHURAISH I., ROBLEDO C., KOBI A. « Key Success Factors of Implementing Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma ». In : 17th International conference quality and service sciences (ICQSS). Liverpool . 17th Toulon-Verona International Conference on “Excellence in Services”, p. 1-16, 2014.

    [CI8] _         ATOUI M.A, VERRON S, KOBI A "A Bayesian approach to FDD combining two different Bayesian networks modeling a Data-Driven method and a Model-Based method" 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation & Robotics, ICINCO; Reykjavik; Islande, 2013.

    [CI9] _         ROUGERON A., SCHULIAR G., LETO J., BOUGNOUX M. - E., KOBI A., BOUCHARA J. - P. « Ecology of the different species of the Scedosporium / Pseudallescheria complex in Western France ». In : 4th International ISHAM-Workshop on Scedosporium. 2013, Innsbruck

    [CI10] _     ATOUI M.A, VERRON S, KOBI A. « Réseau bayésien pour la fusion de diagnostics de fautes à base de modèle et de données » QUALITA2013, 19-22 Mars 2013, Compiègne, 2013.

    [CI11] _     S MCCROSSON, M CANO, E O'NEILL, A KOBI, « ISO9001 Certification in UK Organisations A comparative study of motivations and impacts » QUALITA2013, 19-22 Mars 2013, Compiègne, 2013

    [CI12] _     I.V. HERGHILIGIU, M.L LUPU, C. ROBLEDO, A. KOBI., “Environmental decision seen as a fractal process, 5th European exhibition of creativity and innovation, 9-11 May 2013, Iasi, Romania, ISBN: 978‐973‐703‐891‐3, pp. 161-162; 2013.

    [CI13] _     HERGHILIGIU I., LUPU M. L., PAIUS C., ROBLEDO C., KOBI A. « Organizational employee seen as environmental knowledge fractal agents as consequence of certification ISO 14001 ». In : 10th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning. 2013, Washington DC. 10th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning,  p. 524-532, 2013.

    [CI14] _     AYADI D.  AZZABI L. KOBI A.  BCAHAR K, ROBLEDO C: «A multicriteria failure mode and effects analysis approach for optimization human safety», RAMS, Orlando, 26-31 Janvier  2013.

    [CI15] _     AYADI D.  AZZABI L. KOBI A. ROBLEDO C. CHABCHOUB H: «The Multiobjective optimization problem with Fuzzy Goal programming», RAMS, Orlando, 26-31 Janvier, 2013.

    [CI16] _     INDRA F, CANO M, A. KOBI, ROBLEDO C, Approaches and Use of Tools in Lean and Six Sigma Projects, 6th International conference on Six Sigma, Glasgow 26th -27th March 2012

    [CI17] _     A. BOUCHIBA, M. BARREAU, A. KOBI, A. CHERKAOUI, "Improving dependability analysis by combining functional and dysfunctional methods with Bayesian Network: Level Crossing case study" International Symposium on Security and Safety of Complex Systems, Agadir 2012.

    [CI18] _     S. RAHALI, A. KOBI, M. BARREAU « Optimisation simultanée de plusieurs réponses » CAFMET 2012

    [CI19] _     CANO M, A. KOBI, Evaluation of Continuous Improvement Approaches within the Scottish Manufacturing Sector, 14th Toulon Verona Conference, Alicante September 1st -3rd 2011.

    [CI20] _     BOUCHIBA, A.CHERKAOUI, M. BARREAU, A. KOBI, " Evaluation de Dysfonctionnement des Passages à Niveau par Approche Bayésienne " QUALITA 2011

    [CI21] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA; A. KOBI “Bayesian networks for process monitoring” QUALITA 2011

    [CI22] _     T. TIPLICA, S. VERRON, A. KOBI, R. CHASSAGNON, Carte de contrôle EWMA par réseau bayésien dynamique, QUALITA 2011.

    [CI23] _     BOUCHIBA, A.CHERKAOUI, M. BARREAU, A. KOBI, " Evaluating dysfunction of level crossing by bayesian approach." Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, IESM'2011, p. 1029 -- 1039, Metz, 2011.

    [CI24] _     BOUCHIBA, A.CHERKAOUI, M. BARREAU, A. KOBI, "Evaluation des risques d’un système par approche Bayésienne : Application aux passages à niveau" 12th International Conference on Quality and Dependability,Sinaia, Roumanie, 2010

    [CI25] _     AYADI D.  AZZABI L. KOBI A.  ROBLEDO C. CHABCHOUB H: «Application de la méthode multicritère d’aide à la décision PROMETHEE pour le système HACCP», Conférence Internationale en Métrologie (CAFMET), Le Caire, Egypte. 2010.

    [CI26] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, ET A. KOBI. Fault detection of univariate non-Gaussian data with Bayesian network. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT’10), Viña del Mar, Chili, 2010.

    [CI27] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, ET A. KOBI. Nouvelles composantes informatives pour le diagnostic de fautes des procédés industriels par classification supervisée. CIFA’10, Nancy, France, 2010.

    [CI28] _     BOUCHIBA, A.CHERKAOUI, M. BARREAU, A. KOBI, "Evaluation des risques d’un système par approche Bayésienne : Application aux passages à niveau" 12th International Conference on Quality and Dependability,Sinaia, Roumanie, 2010

    [CI29] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, ET A. KOBI. New Features for Fault Diagnosis by Supervised Classification. 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’10), Marrakech, Morocco, 2010

    [CI30] _     S. VERRON, P. WEBER, D. THEILLIOL, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI , C. AUBRUN. Decision with Bayesian network in the concurrent faults event. 7th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes (SafeProcess’09), Barcelone, 2009

    [CI31] _     AYADI D.  AZZABI L. KOBI A.  ROBLEDO C. CHABCHOUB H.: « Hiérarchisation des risques des matières dangereuses : application de la méthode Macbeth», QUALITA'2009

    [CI32] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, ET A. KOBI. New Informative Features for Fault Diagnosis of Industrial Systems by Supervised Classification. Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD’09), Zielona Gora, Pologne, 2009

    [CI33] _     AYADI, D. AZZABI, L. KOBI, A. ROBLEDO, C. CHABCHOUB, H. BOUJELBENE, Y. « Amélioration d’un système de production complexe: intégration de la méthode Six Sigma » International Congress CAFMET, Tunisie, 2008

    [CI34] _     AYADI, D. AZZABI, L. KOBI, A. ROBLEDO, C. CHABCHOUB, H. BOUJELBENE, Y. « Application des cartes de contrôle spécifiques pour la maîtrise statistique des procèdes » International Congress CAFMET, Tunisie, 2008

    [CI35] _     Ayadi, D. Azzabi, L. KOBI, A. Robledo, C. Boujelbene, Y. « the method analytic hierarchies process for the search and selection supplier»Ninth International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, PSAM 2008

    [CI36] _     AYADI, D. AZZABI, L. KOBI, A. ROBLEDO, C. CHABCHOUB, H. BOUJELBENE, Y. « Une approche multicritère pour la localisation des défauts de production» conférence internationale Maîtrise et Management des Risques Industriels, M2RI 2008

    [CI37] _     AYADI, D. AZZABI, L. KOBI, A. ROBLEDO, C. CHABCHOUB, H. BOUJELBENE, Y. « Pilotage des processus du système management de la qualité: une approche multicritère pour la prise de décision » conférence internationale Maîtrise et Management des Risques Industriels, M2RI 2008

    [CI38] _     S. VERRON, P. WEBER, D. THEILLIOL, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI ET C. AUBRUN. Using Bayesian networks for decision in the simultaneous faults case. Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD’08), Coventry, Angleterre, 2008

    [CI39] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. Bayesian network for the characterization of faults in a multivariate process. 11th International Conference on Quality and Dependability (CCF’08), Sinaia, Roumanie, 2008

    [CI40] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. Distance Rejection in a Bayesian Network for Fault Diagnosis of Industrial Systems. 16th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’08), Ajaccio, France, 2008

    [CI41] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. Réseaux bayésiens pour l'identification de variables hors-contrôle. 5ème Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique (CIFA’08), Bucarest, Roumanie, 2008

    [CI42] _     AYADI, D. CHABCHOUB, H. KOBI, A. “Une approche multicritère d’aide à la  décision pour l’analyse de la fiabilité des processus opérationnels du SMQ”. Qualita 2007, Tanger, Maroc

    [CI43] _     AZZABI, L. KOBI, A. ROBLEDO, C.BOUJELBENNE. Y, MASMOUDI. F. “La contribution à la performance d’un système de production complexe : intégration de la méthode Six Sigma”. Qualita 2007, Tanger, Maroc

    [CI44] _     AYADI, D. AZZABI, L. KOBI, A. ROBLEDO, C.  CHABCHOUB, H.  BOUJELBENE, Y. « Improvement of human safety in the complex system integration of Six Sigma methods » 5th International Conference on Quality and Reliability, ICQR 2007

    [CI45] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. Un réseau bayésien pour la détection de fautes dans un procédé multivarié. Qualita 2007, Tanger, Maroc

    [CI46] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. Multivariate control charts with a bayesian network. 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), Angers, France, 2007

    [CI47] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. Procedure based on mutual information and bayesian networks for fault diagnosis of industrial systems. American Control Conference (ACC), New York, USA, 2007

    [CI48] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. Fault diagnosis of industrial systems with bayesian networks and mutual information. European Control Conference (ECC), Kos, Greece, 2007

    [CI49] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. A new procedure based on mutual information for fault diagnosis of industrial systems. Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Nancy, France, 2006.

    [CI50] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. Bayesian networks and mutual information for fault diagnosis of industrial systems. Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Nancy, France, 2006

    [CI51] _     DELAMARE A., LUPAN R., CHRISTOFOL H., ROBLEDO C. KOBI A. « Modélisation et évaluation de la performance en conception », Conférence Francophone de Modélisation et SIMulation, MOSIM06, Rabat, Maroc 3-5 avril, 2006.

    [CI52] _     TIPLICA T. VERRON S.,. KOBI A. I. NASTAC - FDI in multivariate process with naïve bayesian network in the space of discriminant factors - International Conference Computational Intelligence Modelling, Control Automation, Sydney, Australia, 2006.

    [CI53] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. – Détection des fautes dans un procédé multivarié et aide au diagnostic par réseaux bayésiens naïfs - International Congress CAMET’2006.

    [CI54] _     S. VERRON, T. TIPLICA, A. KOBI. – Fault diagnosis with bayesian networks: Application to the tennessee eastman process - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Mumbai, India, 2006

    [CI55] _     BABUS F., KOBI A. TIPLICA T, BACIVAROV I ”Current troubles of the control charts applications under The non gaussian distributions”,  "The 10th International Conference Quality, Reliability, Maintenance, 27-29 Septembre, Sinaia (Roumanie), 2006.

    [CI56] _     LEPADATU D., BAGUENARDX, KOBI A., HAMBLI R., JAULIN L., “A new response surface method  for manufacturing process optimization using interval computation”, IFAC 2005, Praque.

    [CI57] _     DELAMARRE A., LUPANR, CHRISTOFOL H., KOBI A., ROBLEDO C., “Evaluation de la performance en conception”, GI 2005, Besançon, France.

    [CI58] _     BABUS F., KOBI A, BACIVAROV I., Statistical process control and Automatic process control, QUALITA 2005, Bordeaux, France

    [CI59] _     ROBLEDO C., KOBI A, RUSU C., NEGURICI O., L’évaluation de la performance financière de systèmes de management de la qualité, QUALITA 2005, Bordeaux, France

    [CI60] _     LEPADATU D., BAGUENARDX, KOBI A., HAMBLI R., JAULIN L., “Process optimization using interval computation”, QUALITA 2005, Bordeaux, France.

    [CI61] _     LEPADATU D., KOBI A., HAMBLI R., BARREAU A., “Lifetime Multiple Response Optimization of Metal Extrusion Die”, Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium RAM'S 2005,, January 24-27, Alexandria VA, USA

    [CI62] _     HAMBLI R., LEPADATU D., KOBI A., BARREAU A., “FEM modeling and optimization if disc brake wear”, AVCS-IFAC 2004, Genoa, Italy

    [CI63] _     LEPADATU D., KOBI A., HAMBLI R., BARREAU A, Tool life prediction in metal forming processes using numerical analysis. The 11th Symposium on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal processing – MMM/IFAC 2004 – IFAC, Nancy-France.

    [CI64] _     ADJUDENANU I., BACIVAROV I., KOBI A., TIPLICA T., Mean Shift Detection in Multivariate Processes Using the FNAD Methodology, The 9th International Conference on Quality and Dependability – CCF’2004, Sinaia – Romania.

    [CI65] _     BABUS F., LEPADATU D., KOBI A., HAMBLI R., Computer Aided Tool for Process Optimization. Application: Metal Bending Process, The 9th International Conference on Quality and Dependability – CCF’2004, Sinaia – Romania.

    [CI66] _     TIPLICA T., KOBI A., BARREAU A., “Multivariate process control using the fnad methodology”, Workshop Duisburg,26-27 November 2003,

    [CI67] _     LEPADATU D., KOBI A., HAMBLI R., BARREAU A., “Statistical Process Control of Wear Phenomenon During Metal Extrusion Process”, Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium RAM'S 2004, p. 234-238, January 24-27, Los Angeles, USA

    [CI68] _     LEPADATU D., KOBI A., HAMBLI R., BARREAU A., “Réduction de l’usure des outils d’extrusion par la méthode de surface de réponse”, CPI’2003, 24-26 octobre, Meknes, Maroc

    [CI69] _     TIPLICA T., KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Multivariate process control using the fnad methodology”, IFAC/Safeprocess Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes Washington DC, June 2003,

    [CI70] _     TIPLICA T., KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Carte de contrôle spectrale” , QUALITA (Quality and reliability) 2003, 18-20 Mars, Nancy France

    [CI71] _     TIPLICA T., KOBI A., BARREAU A., “Identifying the out of control variable in the multivariate process using the discriminant analysis and digital signal filtering”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics SMC, 2002, Tunisia

    [CI72] _     HAMBLI R. and KOBI A., ’’Damage and fracture prediction during L-bending processes’’, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics SMC, 2002, Tunisia

    [CI73] _     HAMBLI R. and KOBI A., ’’Optimization of superplastic forming processes using the finite element method’’, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics SMC, 2002, Tunisia

    [CI74] _     KOBI A. et al. “Six sigma : principe et méthodologies”, Plenary Session , 8th International Conference Quality, Reliability, Maintainability CCF2002, SINAIA, 18-20 september.

    [CI75] _     LUPAN R., KOBI A., ROBLEDO C., BACIVAROV I. “Applying six sigma methodology to the PDCA cycle” 8th International Conference Quality, Reliability, Maintainability CCF2002, SINAIA, 18-20 september.

    [CI76] _     TIPLICA T., KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., Statistical control charts based on digital filtering”, ISSAT’02, 7-9 August, 2002, Anaheim, USA..

    [CI77] _     HAMBLI R., KOBI A., Prediction of damage during metal forming processes using design of experiments”, International Conference Reliability and Quality in Design ISSAT’02, 7-9 August, 2002, Anaheim, USA., Invited Session

    [CI78] _     TIPLICA T., KOBI A., BARREAU A., Identification the out of control variable in the multivariate processes using discriminant analysis”, World Manufacturing Congress WMC 2001, September, Rochester, USA.

    [CI79] _     HAMBLI R., KOBI A., GUERIN F. DUMON B., Optimization of metal cutting manufacturing processes using design of experiment approach”, CPI’2001, 24-26 octobre, Fez, Maroc.

    [CI80] _     TIPLICA T., KOBI A., BARREAU A., BACIVAROV I., “Synthèse et comparaison des méthodes pour la maîtrise statistique des processus multivariés”, QUALITA 2001, 22-23 Mars, Annecy France.

    [CI81] _     TIPLICA T., KOBI A., BARREAU A., BACIVAROV I., “Utilisation de méthode T2 Hotelling dans le contrôle statistique des processus multivariés”, International Conference Quality, Reliability, Maintainability CCF 2000, September 27-29, Romania.

    [CI82] _     BACIVAROV I., BARREAU A., KOBI A., “New reliability indices for laser communications systems”, International Conference Quality, Reliability, Maintainability CCF 2000, September 27-29, Romania.

    [CI83] _     TIPLICA T., KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Study of the repeatability and the reproducibility of measuring instrument”, 9th International Conference on Productivity and Quality Research ICPQR’2000, June 25-28, Israel.

    [CI84] _     SCIBILIA B., KOBI A., CHASSAGNON R., BARREAU A., “Designed Fatigue Experiments to Improve the Reliability of Liquid”, Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium RAM'S 2000, p. 234-238, January 24-27, Los Angeles, USA.

    [CI85] _     SCIBILIA B., KOBI A, BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “An application of the quality engineering approach reconsidered”. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics SMC’99, 12-15 Octobre 1999, Tokyo, Japan.

    [CI86] _     SCIBILIA B., KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Using experimental designs for quality improvement: A case study from the furniture industry”, International Conference on Productivity and Quality Research ICPQR’99, June 14-16 1999, Vaasa, Finlande.

    [CI87] _     SCIBILIA B., KOBI A, BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Taguchi’s parameter design : an improved alternative approach”. 53rd AQC / ASQC, May 24-26 1999, Anaheim, USA.

    [CI88] _     KOBI A., SCIBILIA B., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Une nouvelle approche de la carte de contrôle CUSUM”. Congrès Qualité et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, QUALITA'99, 25-26 Mars 1999, ENSAM/Paris, France.

    [CI89] _     SCIBILIA B., KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Amélioration de la résolution d'un plan fractionnaire à l'aide d'essais non-orthogonaux”. Congrès Qualité et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, QUALITA'99, 25-26 Mars 1999, ENSAM/Paris, France.

    [CI90] _     KOBI A., SCIBILIA B., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Diagnostic des processus multivariés”. Mediterranean Conference on Electronics and Automatic MCEA'98, p. 505-511, 17-19 September 1998, Marrakech, Morocco, Invited Session.

    [CI91] _     KOBI A., SCIBILIA B., SISSON J.C., “Using multiresponse designed experiments to reduce the specific fuel consumption of industrial motors”. IEEE,AVCS'98, p. 217-221, July 1-3, Amiens.

    [CI92] _     OULADSINE M., KOBI A., RAGOT J., “Recursive and Sequential Identification of Jumping Interconnected Systems Through Multiple Models”. 10th IFAC, Symposium on System Identification, SYSID'94, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 4-6, 1994.

    [CI93] _     OULADSINE M., KOBI A., RAGOT J., “Robust Identification of Dynamical System with Respect to Abnormal Values”. 33th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 14-16, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 1994.

    [CI94] _     OULADSINE M., KOBI A., RAGOT J., “Process Diagnosis of Processes with Jumping Parameters”. SAFEPROCESS'94 IFAC/IMACS Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Espoo, Finland, June 13-15, 1994.

    [CI95] _     KOBI A., OULADSINE M., RAGOT J., “Fault Detection in ARX Process”. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,vol. 3, pp. 394-399, Le Touquet, October 17-20, 1993, France.

    [CI96] _     OULADSINE M., KOBI A., RAGOT J., “Identification of a MIMO Hammerstein model”. European Control Conference ECC '93, vol.2, pp. 621-626, Groningen, 28 June - 1 July, 1993, Netherlands.

    [CI97] _     KOBI A., OULADSINE M., BLOCH G., “Outliers Detection, Location and Identification in Time Series”. IMACS/IFAC MIM. S2' 93, vol. 1, pp. 275-280, Brussels, April 12-16, 1993, Belgium.

    [CI98] _     KOBI A., NOWAKOWSKI S., RAGOT J., “Fault Detection-Isolation and Control Reconfiguration”. IMACS/IFAC MIM. S2' 93, vol. 1, pp. 250-255, Brussels, April 12-16, 1993, Belgium.

    [CI99] _     OULADSINE M., KOBI A., RAGOT J., “Identification using Hammerstein Model”. IMACS/IFAC MIM. S2' 93, vol. 2, pp. 54-59, Brussel, April 12-16, 1993, Belgium.


    • ·  National Conference :

    [CN1] _       SCIBILIA B., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., CHERFI Z., KOBI A., “Simulation et comparaison de la méthode Taguchi à la méthode Shainin”, Qualité et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, 2nd Congrès Pluridisciplinaire, 20-21 Mars, Angers, France, 1997.

    [CN2] _       KOBI A., PARIS J.M., OULADSINE M., RAGOT J. “Détection de valeurs aberrantes dans les mesures : Application à la détection de défaillance de capteurs”. Qualité et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, 1er Congrès Pluridisciplinaire, 17-18 Novembre, Compiègne, France, 1994.


    • ·  Seminar :
    1. COHEN A., TIPLICA T., KOBI A. « Optimisation et maîtrise statistique des processus versus approche par ondelettes ». In : 6èmes Journées Doctorales / Journées Nationales du GDR MACS (JD-JN-MACS). 18-19/06/2015, Bourges.
    2. VERRON S., ATOUI M. A., TIPLICA T., KOBI A. « Surveillance des systèmes par réseaux Bayésiens ». In : Séminaire Maîtrise et Optimisation des Processus Complexes. October 2014.
    3. TIPLICA T., VERRON S., KOBI A. « Détection des causes assignables par approches statistiques ». In : Maîtrise et Optimisation des Processus Complexes. Octobre 2014, Angers
    4. ATOUI M. A., VERRON S., KOBI A. « Poster II : Modélisation globale des systèmes pour la détction et le diagnostic de fautes ». In : 13ème journée des doctorants de l'ED STIM de l'UNAM. 2013, Nantes.
    5. RAZVAN L, ROBLEDO C, KOBI A., Evaluation des performances ”. GDR-MACS, 31 Mars 2005, Clermont-ferrand, France
    6. KOBI A., “Evaluation des performances : Echelle six sigma”. 20 Juin 2003, Angers, France
    7. KOBI A., “Approche six sigma dans le management de la qualité”. 14 mai 2003, Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg
    8. KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., SCIBILIA B., “Carte VCR”. MFQ/Groupe MSP, 26 novembre 1999, Paris, France
    9. KOBI A., “Six sigma : principes et méthodologies”. 23 mai 2002, IUT/Cachan, France
    10. SCIBILIA B., KOBI A., BARREAU A., CHASSAGNON R., “Robustesse : Comparaison entre différents indicateurs”, SFdS, groupe qualité fiabilité, 6 Février 1998, Paris.
  • Courriel : abdessamad.kobi @
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