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Victor TeboulPhysique - UMR CNRS - Laboratoire Lphia / Physique - Laboratoire Lphia
- Faculté des Sciences
- Départements d'Enseignement SCIENCES - DEP ENS SCIENCES Physique
Physique - UMR CNRS - Laboratoire Lphia - 2 Boulevard de Lavoisier - 49045 - ANGERS CEDEX 01
- Physique - UMR CNRS - Laboratoire Lphia
- Structure Fédérative de Recherche Matériaux : SFR MATRIX
- Structure Fédérative de Recherche Matériaux : SFR MATRIX - Laboratoire de Photonique d'Angers : Lphia
Physique - Laboratoire Lphia - Db109
- 2 Boulevard de Lavoisier - 49045 - ANGERS CEDEX 01
- Db109
- Courriel : victor.teboul @ univ-angers.fr
Afficher UFR de Sciences sur une carte plus grande
Section 28: Physique de la matière condensée
Thèmes de recherche
Condensed matter physics, Computer simulations
Molecular motors, Liquid to glass transition
Ingenieur Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Grenoble (ENSPG)
Ingenieur Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)
Doctorat de Physique (félicitations du jury)
Habilitation à diriger les recherches (HDR)
Ingenieur Framatome (Paris-La Défense)
Ingenieur Société Atlantique de Technologie Avancée (Nantes)
Postdoctorat Université du Québec à Trois-Rivieres (Canada) (Groupe du prof. T.K. Bose )
Détaché 2 ans au CNRS- Laboratoire de Chimie Physique (Orsay)
(Invité par le prof. Alain Fuchs, théoricien, président du CNRS- Collaboration avec C. Alba-Simionesco)
Professeur Invité durant une année à l'université de Berkeley (Californie)
(Invité par le prof. David Chandler, théoricien, membre de l'académie des sciences américaine)
Professeur invité à l'université d'Umea (Suede)
(Invité par le prof. Ove Anderson, expérimentateur, spécialiste de la glace amorphe)
Professeur invité à l'université de Maribor (Slovénie)
(Invité par le prof. Samo Kralj, théoricien, spécialiste des cristaux liquides)
Maître de conférences Hors Classe (Associate Professor) à l'université d'Angers
Directeur du département de physique de l'université (2013-2015)
Membre du Conseil National des Universités - CNU 28 depuis 2015
Représentant des relations internationales pour la physique.
> 50 (dans des journaux de l'American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, American Chemical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry principalement; Physical review E, A, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Chemical Physics, Physics of Fluids, Soft Matter, ...)
Selected papers:
Transmission of mobility via cooperative mechanisms in soft active matter, V. Teboul, Physics of Fluids, 36, 113128 (2024)
Dynamic phase transition induced by active molecules in a supercooled liquid, V. Teboul, Physical Review E, 108, 024605 (2023)
Activation induced fluidization of a confined viscous liquid, F. Mercier, G. Delhaye, V. Teboul, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 360, 119545 (2022)
Simulation of a flat folding nano-swimmer confined in a nano pore, G. Delhaye, F. Mercier, V. Teboul, Physics of Fluids, 33, 122001 (2021)
Orientation of motion of a flat folding nano-swimmer in soft matter, V. Teboul, S. Ciobotarescu, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 23, 8836 (2021)
Comparison of time reversal symmetric and asymmetric nano-swimmers oriented with an electric field in soft matter, al. et V. Teboul, Journal of Chemical Physics 152, 024503 (2020)
Simulation of supercooled water under passive or active stimuli, V. Teboul et al., Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 214505 (2019)
Breakdown of the scallop theorem for an asymmetrical folding molecular motor in soft matter, V. Teboul et al., Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 144502 (2019)
Specific properties of supercooled water in light of water anomalies, V. Teboul et al, Molecular Simulations 45, 304 (2019)
Temperature dependence of the violation of Purcell's theorem experienced by a folding molecular motor, V. Teboul et al. Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 21, 2472 (2019)
Optimizing the motion of a folding molecular motor in soft matter, al. et V. Teboul, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 20, 10077 (2018)
Folding time dependence of the motions of a molecular motor in an amorphous medium, al. et V. Teboul, Physical Review E, 96, 062614 (2017)
How do packing defects modify the cooperative motions in supercooled liquids?, al. et V. Teboul, Chemical Physics, 490, 55 (2017)
Enhanced diffusion in finite-size simulations of a fragile diatomic glass former, al. et V. Teboul, Physical Review E, 94, 052604 (2016)
How does the motion of the surrounding molecules depend on the shape of a folding molecular motor? al. et V. Teboul, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 18, 14654 (2016)
Light mediated emergence of surface patterns in azopolymers at low temperatures, V. Teboul et al., Soft Matter, 11, 6444 (2015)
Stimuli Thresholds for Isomerization-Induced Molecular Motions in Azobenzene-Containing Materials, V. Teboul, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119, 3854 (2015)
A simple diatomic potential that prevents crystallization in supercooled liquids simulations, al. et V. Teboul, Chemical Physics, 450, 91 (2015)
A toy model mimicking cage effect, structural fluctuations, and kinetic constraints in supercooled liquids, V. Teboul, Journal of Chemical Physics, 141, 194501 (2014)
Induced cooperative motions in a medium driven at the nanoscale: Searching for an optimum excitation period, V. Teboul et al., Physical Review E, 89, 012303 (2014)
How does the isomerization rate affect the photoisomerization-induced transport properties of a doped molecular glass-former?, al. et V. Teboul, Journal of Chemical Physics, 139, 034501 (2013)
Isomerization of azobenzene and the enhancement of dynamic heterogeneities in molecular glass formers, V. Teboul et al., Physical Review E, 87, 032309 (2013)
Formation of Surface Relief Gratings: Effect of the Density of the Host Material, V. Teboul et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116, 12621 (2012)
Time versus temperature rescaling for coarse grain molecular dynamics simulations, al. et V. Teboul, Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 094502 (2012)
An isomerization-induced cage-breaking process in a molecular glass former below Tg, V. Teboul et al., Journal of Chemical Physics, 134, 114517 (2011)
Isomerization-Induced Dynamic Heterogeneity in a Glass Former below and above Tg, V. Teboul et al., Physical Review Letters, 103, 265701 (2009)
Pressure dependence of dynamical heterogeneity in water. V. Teboul, Journal of Physics:condensed matter, 20, 244116 (2008)
Transient self-organisation of supercooled water confined inside nonporous materials. V. Teboul, International Journal of Nanotechnology, 5, 851 (2008)
Cooperative motions in a finite size model of liquid silica: an anomalous behavior. V. Teboul, The European Physical Journal B, 51, 111 (2006)
Screening dependence of the dynamical and structural properties of BKS silica, A. Kerrache, V. Teboul et al., Chemical Physics, 321, 69 (2006)
Dynamical heterogeneity in glass-forming Toluene: Comparison of bulk and confined conditions by quasi-elastic neutron scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, V.Teboul, C. Alba-Simionesco, Chemical Physics, 317, 245 (2005)
A molecular dynamics investigation of dynamical heterogeneity in supercooled water. V. Teboul et al, The European Physical Journal B, 43, 355 (2005)
An investigation of string-like cooperative motion in a strong network glass-former, V. Teboul et al., The European Physical Journal B, 40, 49 (2004)
Confinement of molecular liquids: Consequences on thermodynamic, static and dynamical properties of benzene and toluene. C. Alba-Simionesco et al., The European Physical Journal E, 12, 19 (2003)
Molecular dynamics simulations of rare-earth-doped glasses. S. Chaussedent et al., Current Opinion in solid state and materials science, 7, 111 (2003)
Aging effects in supercooled silica. A molecular dynamics investigation. A. Kerrache, V. Teboul et al., Journal of Non-Cristalline Solids, 322, 41 (2003)
Properties of a confined molecular glass-forming liquid. V.Teboul, C. Alba-Simionesco, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14, 5699 (2002)
Three-body interaction-induced light scattering in krypton gas: a computer simulation of the spectral line shapes. V. Teboul, Molecular Physics, 96, 1637 (1999)
Isotropic and anisotropic interaction induced scattering in liquid argon, V. Teboul, Y. Le Duff, Journal of Chemical Physics, 107, 10415 (1997)
Cutoff effect in molecular dynamics simulations of interaction induced light scattering spectra, V. Teboul, S. Chaussedent, Computer Physics Communications, 105, 151 (1997)
A molecular dynamics study of depolarized interaction induced light scattering in room temperature argon. V. Teboul, Molecular Physics, 92, 127 (1997)
Trace polarizability spectra from Ar2 quasi molecules in collision-induced scattering. O. Gaye et al., Physical Review A, 55, 3464 (1997)
Collision induced scattering in CO2 gas. V. Teboul, Y. Le Duff, T. Bancewicz, Journal of Chemical Physics, 103, 1384 (1995)
An optical capillary flow viscometer. V. Teboul, JM. St Arnaud, T.K. Bose, I. Gélinas, Review of Scientific Instruments, 66, 3985 (1995)