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Soutenance HDR de Monsieur Mustapha OUDANI

09h00 | POLYTECH ANGERS | Salle du Conseil | 62, avenue Notre-Dame du Lac | ANGERS

Sujet : Models and algorithms for location and routing problems in transportation

Directeur de Recherche : Monsieur Abdérafi CHARKI


I am a professor-researcher specializing in modeling and optimization of various real-life challenging problems. My research focuses on modeling and optimization of intermodal transport networks, emphasizing network design, vehicle routing, and minimizing environmental impacts. It involves locating hubs, intermodal terminals, and reducing urban vehicle routing costs. Methodologically, mathematical programming models are used, including linear, integer, and mixed linear programming. To solve large problem instances, metaheuristics are employed, incorporating machine learning algorithms for initial solutions. For example, K medoids clustering is used to initialize a simulated annealing algorithm for the p-hub center problem with an emissions budget constraint. In multi-objective problems including vehicle routing and green network design, metaheuristic-generated solutions are classified using multi criteria decision methods (MCDM). My research combines operational techniques, such as hub allocation and vehicle routing, with environmentally sensitive parameters, ensuring efficient problem-solving while balancing service quality and environmental impact. By focusing on Pareto optimality and using the NSGA-II meta-heuristic, decision makers are offered optimal solutions, addressing trade-offs between service quality and environmental considerations.

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