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  • Join UA for an intensive semester to learn or improve your French language skills. Registration for the Fall session is open until 30 June 2025.
  • Our Summer Schools not only offer a great selection of interesting workshops and field trips, they also offer the participants an unforgettable stay in France.
  • As part of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March), the University of Angers and OSINT4Fun will launch "HATES", a serious game designed to raise awareness of discrimination and to educate participants in information-seeking techniques.
  • Researchers from the ESO research unit are involved in the European Skills4Justice programme, which examines the skills shortages facing certain countries and the potential of different partnerships to address these shortages in migrants' countries of origin and destination.
  • Thanks to European funding, British researcher Catherine Killalea is spending two years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Angers. Together with her mentor, David Canevet, she will explore the properties of helical molecules for potential advances in display and imaging.
  • Bouchta Sahraoui is a professor at the University of Angers and a member of the Angers Photonics Laboratory (Lphia). He studies the properties of materials to design high-performance photonic and electro-optic devices that meet today's technological challenges. Read the interview.
  • Families of staff at UA open their homes and invite international students for Christmas. It is a unique opportunity to experience local family traditions!
  • John Cowles, a former English teacher at the University Institute of Technology (IUT), shares his staff mobility story after undertaking a teaching mobility in Portugal.
  • Student involvement is at the heart of the European alliance EU Green. Four UA students have joined the EU Green Student Council, a body set up to represent the interests of the student community within the alliance.
  • With the support of the European Commission, the BREATH research project co-finances a doctoral training programme combining human and social sciences with health disciplines for twenty young researchers from the universities of Angers, Nantes and Le Mans. The project started in September 2025.
  • Researchers at CRCI2NA have successfully cured mice suffering from glioblastoma, the most aggressive form of brain cancer. The treatment, based on the administration of antibodies tagged with a radioactive element, provided long-term protection for the animals and prevented recurrence.
  • This year marks 60 years of diplomatic relationships between France and China. In celebration of this anniversary, a delegation from the University of Angers visited China late April for the tenth board meeting of the French-Chinese Icuna institute (Joint institute between the universities of Ningbo and Angers).
  • INNTO France is the result of a group led by ESTHUA - the National Institute of Tourism of the University of Angers - and accompanied by 5 other French universities - Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, Savoie Mont-Blanc, Gustave-Eiffel and the University of Côte d’Azur.
    After two years of work and joint effort, the name of the network was made official at its launch in Paris on Thursday 30th May 2024: National Institutes of Tourism, INNTO (Instituts nationaux de tourisme).

Angers Autumn School Foraminifera and geochemistry

  • Registration is now open for the Angers Autumn School, 1st international training course on recent foraminiferas combined with sediment geochemistry in coastal environments. This second edition will take place from September 30th to October 4th, 2024 at the University of Angers (France).
  • The new EARTH Chair, created by the Centre Jean-Bodin, Centre for Legal and Political Research, seeks to bring together researchers in the humanities and social sciences around the challenges of the environmental crisis and to share the results with the general public.
  • Audrey, a third-year English degree student at UA, went to Finland for an Erasmus exchange. Read about her experience.
  • On 5 December 2023, UA awarded the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Véronique Préat, Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), and to Federica Migliardo, Professor in Experimental Physics at the University of Messina (Italy). The ceremony was preceded by a round-table discussion on the topic of "Women and Science".
  • The acquisition of observation data on plants has seen considerable progress in controlled environments. This is not the case for outdoor phenotyping. The European Phenet project is determined to rise to this challenge.
  • Abigail Whyte is an Australian student from the University of New England (UNE), located in the town of Armidale in Eastern Australia. She is currently studying Old French and Latin at the Faculty of Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences and will stay in Angers for 5 months. She has kindly agreed to answer our questions on her background and experience in France.
  • The COMBO research project, which has received €4 million in funding from the European Commission, brings together 13 national and international partners, including the University of Angers, and seeks to develop new strategies for supplying marine molecules to the health and cosmetics markets. Nicolas Papon, professor of parasitology and medical mycology, and coordinator of this project at UA, explains the importance of the project.